Cosmil Logo


Cosmil Logo

The Finder Alternative From The Future


One of the worst things about Finder is how unpredictable and unintuitive its design patterns are. In Cosmil, things just operate how they should and there are no redundant buttons for something you do through the menu. It's a consistent and satisfying user experience with a bunch of features (check some of them out below)!


Cosmil's user interface is entirely content-focused. We eliminated the clutter in your file manager so you can take care of the clutter in your file system.

During the design of Cosmil's user interface we took inspiration from a common programming principle: DRY (Don't Repeat Yourself).


Cosmil's glassy appearance allows it to blend in with the content you're already working on (or your pristine hand-picked wallpaper 😉) and makes working with your files a very enjoyable experience. You can even customize the window's opacity and background color!

Remote Connections

Access and manage files on FTP(S) and SFTP servers.
Coming Soon

Custom Move Behavior

Choose between Windows style Cut and Paste and MacOS style Copy and Move.


Use the dropzone to "pause" a drag operation and pickup the files again later.

Sidebar Categories

Add and remove your own custom named sidebar categories.

Advanced Search

Take advantage of a variety of different filters with powerful options to find the files you need FAST.

Job Manager

Monitor Search, Copy, and Move jobs with information on a job's status, how long it took to complete, and more.

Bulk Rename

Rename multiple files at once with orderable custom operations including Replacing and Adding Text (with more coming soon).

MacOS Native Preview

Use the OSX QuickLook feature right inside Cosmil to preview files, just as you would in Finder.

File Conflict Metadata

Compare complete file metadata upon transfer conflicts including parent folder name, modification, creation, access time, size, and more.


Cosmil only phones-home to validate your license and when you explicitly decide to send error reports. You can read our full privacy policy here.

Low Footprint

Cosmil is just 10.3MB, uses less than 30MB of memory at idle and has a backend written in Rust, a language known for its performance and memory safety.

And More...

My top priority as the developer of Cosmil will always be ensuring Cosmil is useful and featureful. If a feature is desired, or a bug needs to be squashed, I will implement or fix it as soon as I can. You can always contact me personally by emailing or joining the Discord Server (preferred).

It's Time to
Ditch Finder