Cosmil's color palette is completely customizable. Create, remove, edit and save themes for later use: build the look that fits you.
Developed and managed in the United States, Cosmil only phones home to check for updates and validate your license key. No usage analytics are sent back, ever. All of your data is yours and it should stay that way.
Preview all types of files. Review images and the EXIF metadata associated with them. Copy metadata values with a single click.
Pick and choose between Windows style Cut and Paste and MacOS style Copy and Move. Whatever suits you.
Compare complete file metadata upon transfer conflicts including parent folder name, modification, creation, access time, size, and more.
Monitor Search, Copy, and Move jobs with information on a job's status, how long it took to complete, and more.
Drop files in a temporary hold where you can easily pick them up later (almost like "pausing" the drag operation).
Use the OSX QuickLook feature right inside Cosmil to preview files, just as you would in Finder.
Uncompressed, Cosmil is just 10.3MB, uses less than 30MB of memory at idle and has a backend written in Rust, a language known for its performance and memory safety.